"Providing services for stable settlement of migrant women"
Migrant Women Comprehensive Support Guide
Migrant Women Crime Prevention Guide
Report a crime 112
1. If you have witnessed a crime or have been harmed
- When you report, calmly report when, where and how you have been harmed and report the impressions, characteristics, mobile phones, personnel, directions and means of the offender.
- The 112 notification can be made without a coin when using a public telephone emergency call (red emergency call button + 112) and can be used for other emergency situations than crime.
- If you are having trouble making a phone call, you can also report by text or 112 emergency reporting app.
- The chaotic crime scene will be left intact until the police arrive to secure evidence, and police officers will be able to look at the scene.
Foreigner Help Center
1. Foreigner Help Center
- In order to be able to report crimes (damages) and file civil complaints without visiting a police station, the Center for Foreign Residents operates multicultural family support centers and NGOs.
- If you visit a foreign help center to report crimes or ask for counseling about inconveniences in your life, the operator of the center will notify the foreign affairs officers, and the police department in charge will notify you directly or the related agencies based on the report or consultation.
- Contact the nearest police station and foreign affairs for the location of the foreign help center.
Specific crime victim protection
- Even foreigners who stay illegally are exempt from immigration office notifications for victims of certain crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, assault and injury.
- When reporting crimes, if you are unable to report damages due to fear of identity exposure, such as forced departure, or if you are victims of crimes, you should seek help from the police.